Happy Moe Day!!!

Lucky Star Kuji coming up today XDD

Happy Moe Day!!!

What is that?

“What is Moe Day?” you say?

Perhaps a short explanation is in order……

Here’s a short excerpt of the definition of “moe” from the Otaku Encyclopedia (you can find out more information about it from here and here).

Moe (もえ・萌え): Literally meaning “to bud” and a pun on the homonym “to burn”. It is used among otaku to mean getting fired up for budding young beauties. A character described as moe today is an amalgam of Lolicon and Bishoujo features. Most are infantile and bright and have massive, wet, dog-like eyes. They can seem almost animal-like, alien, or androgynous. The appeal of moe features relates to childlike purity, so it should come as no surprise that moe characteristics tend to be younger than Kawaii Bishoujo schoolgirls. The lolicon image is now considered too “real”, and too sexual, so moe is used instead to define a fantasy love or desire.

Naturally, this is only part of the text. I hope this counts as a VERY late answer to phossil’s question ^^;;

The book itself is quite an interesting read as it fills you in on the origins of quite alot of phrases and trivia.

You can consider getting it if you have spare cash to burn.

So why is today “Moe Day”?

Let’s take a look at the Kanji (the chinese characters in the japanese language) for the word moe.


It’s simple and easy to write and remember compared to a good number of Kanji.

Kanji, and chinese characters, can be broken down into radicals.

To put it simply, most complex characters are made up of simpler characters combined. Lets see how moe breaks up to.


Do note that the breaking up of the upper “cap” into 2 crosses is unconventional ^^;;

So as you can see, we have broken the character for moe into 4 parts.

Vertically written Japanese is read from the right to the left and top to bottom. So by re-arranging them into conventional left to right English reading, you get the following.


Which happens to also mean October the 10th in Japanese.

So now you know why today is Moe Day. :3

This has been an educational post from nutcase23.

Lucky Star X CLANNAD is moe   :3

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.