Hatsune Miku – Cantarella

No, that is not me.

nutcase23 is back! Have you guys been missing me? 8D

I’ve been getting a few comments here and there about how TBE is like, DEAD, ever since SGCafe blog started up.

Well, I’m here to say TBE is still very much alive and kicking and the the extreme dry spell recently is largely due to oOgA’s increased commitments towards said SGCafe blog and my university examinations.

That said, my exams are finally over and I will finally have a short 1 mth of holidays to catch up with my photography (and games).

And for my holiday celebratory post, I give you kareiseikumi, a cosplayer friend of mine who did the Cantarella version of Hatsune Miku during the recent SGCafe Cosplay Party held at *scape.

No, she isn’t a figma. =3

The original video of Cantarella

We went around the place a little and took a few shots.

And so in this post, I will post some of the shots taken that day.

Lately, I’ve begun experimenting with flashes.

Though largely on figurines so far. Those who follow my devART page would know what I mean. =3

I’m starting to find the strobist within me though its gonna take more practice to get things right.

I’m starting to do more cosplay photography now as compared to in the past.

I see it as a normal transition as the most common form of photography would probably be portraiture (to me at any rate) and taking pictures of people, cosplayers or otherwise, has a certain fun and charm to it as well.

That’s not to say TBE is going to turn into a cosplay photography blog.

I’m still sticking to my roots as a figurine photographer and me and the WLNF ppl are still gonna have lots of shoots with our lovely figurines.

Also got a few projects up my sleeve.

Just dun be surprised if you see a few cosplay posts popping up now and then. =3

That said, I leave you with my final photo, as per my nutcase23 tradition of troll endings 8D

Move over Luke. Jedi Miku is here to kick ass.

Tags: cantarella, , , kareiseikumi

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.