National Day Parade 2011

9th of August is Singapore’s National Day and every year a parade is held to celebrate the occasion.

As a child, I used to be captivated by the performances and fanfare but as I grew older and more jaded as well as having participated in the parade before, the appeal of this event has gradually worn off me.

But as a photographer, NDP presents a rare photographic opportunity. That being fireworks.

Every year, hundreds of photographers gather around the parade grounds and set up their tripods, praying for the money shot that the fireworks might bring them.

Fireworks, like Mother Nature, are a capricious thing and no amount of technical experience can guarantee you magical shot save for luck and alot of shutter spamming.

The crowds gather as earlier at noon for the evening event  and while waiting in the hot sun is certainly a tiresome thing, it does give one the opportunity to catch the city skyline at the blue hour.

And when the time approaches 8.30pm, the first shot is fired and everyone watches in awe at the fireworks.

Save for the photographers who are all busy spamming their shots.

Check out what I have gotten in my many weeks of firework chasing.

Not to mention the Marina Bay Sands looks beautiful at night as usual.

Here’s to NDP 2012 next year!

Tags: fireworks, , National Day Parade,

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.