White Day Special – Where are the Flags?


Wow, it’s already 2 months since my last comic.

Well, inspiration is hard to find and university ain’t helping.

Anyway, enjoy this small little special I thought up while I was in the bath (apparently most of my ideas come from there for some reason. Maybe that’s why most of them are yuri =P)

Click on the thumbnail for a larger version


Don’t we all wish that life was a game with save points? :D

Don’t worry Konata, your life partner will come. Assuming your father allows him to XD

Hope you guys liked it.

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.