WLNF Lunar New Year Steamboat

And all too soon it is Lunar New Year once again!

Incidentally, it coincides with Valentines’ Day this year so that means one less figurine-related post to do. :3

Certainly, it would be interesting to see how couples out there deal with this.

Meanwhile, the WLNF gang was invited to kodomut’s place for a day of steamboat and awesome figurine fun!

And not just kodomut, even his figurines put up a warm welcome for us! :3

There was a short round of gift exchange.

Not customary of course but nevertheless still fun to do.

Red packets don’t always have to contain money…

Valentines’ Day Red packet

Since zh3us is effectively married to his Azone Nanoha, Konata sought the opportunity for a red packet.

There was food abound and everyone got down to eating.

Rare tako luka was served as well.

Mmmmmm…….tako….. :3

Then it’s time for a little after dinner tea as everyone settled down.

“I wonder where is everyone…”

“Why do you have a different cup?!”

Of course, we could never have so many figurines with us an not take PICTURES. :3

The place was soon a frenzy of activity as we got down to what we do best, figurine photography.

kodomut got hold of Shazzsteel’s Exceed Nanoha and some SERIOUS photography too place.

We even got roped in as photography crew. XD

You can check out the results of the shoot at kodomut’s blog.

“Buy a kodomut today!”

“He comes with photography skills and a portable lighting system”

The only shot oOgA could get. He needs more skill XD

And soon there was plenty of fun and mayhem around in the house.

Just check it out.

Tako Lukas at play

Dreamy Tako

The new Queen of Takos :3

zh3us’ Nanoha handles kids/moe blobs well


Don’t piss Nanoha off

She has a very sharp magical device thingy




So anyway, The Banzai! Effect wishes all a Happy Lunar New Year!

If you are celebrating it, here’s wishing you many red packets!

If you don’t, just enjoy the holiday while it lasts. :3

“Happy (Tako) Lunar New Year!”

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.