cosplay Archive

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    STGCC 2011

    Thoughts on the recent STGCC

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    Cosfest X.1 (2011)

    Cosfest, one week late 8D

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    Comic Fiesta 2010 – The Cosplay Post

    nutcase23's best of Comic Fiesta 2010 cosplay shots XD

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    Comic Fiesta 2010

    Comic Fiesta 2010 marks TBE's first overseas cosplay event out of Singapore and it certainly was an enjoyable trip.

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    End-of-Year 2010 @ Republic Polytechnic

    And now for some EOY thoughts and photos!

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    Hatsune Miku – Cantarella

    nutcase23 is back! Have you guys been missing me? 8D

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  • LNGN09

    Vocaloid: Last Night, Good Night

    As hardcore Hatsune Miku fans would have known by heart, 31st of August is the birthday of the lovable, leek-wielding, virtual idol. To commemorate it, I would like to showcase some of the photos from a cosplay photoshoot I did with Angelryn, a Miku cosplayer

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    When Heaven Meets Hell

    When Heaven meets Hell, what will happen ?

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    WCG Cosplay Coverage

    Keeping my description short, I am impressed on the turnout of cosplayers despite WCG being a gaming centric event. It was great meeting up some cosplayers that I know and new people. :3 Check out our photo gallery below for the awesome photo coverage of the cosplayers during the event.

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    Cosfest IX – Of Warriors, Brides and MMORPGS

    In the final post for Cosfest IX, nutcase23 features some of the shots he took during his private shoots at Day 2.

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    Cosfest IX – The lol, the wtf, the awesome

    A few of the awesome moments and pictures we caught at Cosfest IX!

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    COSMO Youth Parade 2010 Part II – The Cosplay

    COSMO Youth Parade 2010 - THE COSPLAY ! We let the videos do the talking. :3

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    Cosfest IX – Lets Make Friends! Day 2

    nutcase23 brings you more cosplay pictures, this time from Day 2!

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    COSMO Youth Parade 2010 Part I – The Event

    Our first part coverage for COSMO Youth Parade ! The event !

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    Cosfest IX – Lets Make Friends! Day 1

    It's Cosfest IX Day 1 cosplay pictures!

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