Behind the scenes of figurine posts

Where it all begins

Ever wondered how much effort goes into a single figurine post that takes you less than 10 minutes to read?

Thought so.

Well, I happened to have this bunch of reeeaaally old photos sitting around in my hard disk so I thought I might as well post them up.

I’m sure those who have read my previous posts would realise that these shots are from before I got my new monitor. Heck, before I got my JLPT 4 results even which was like late Feb this year.


I’m no rich guy so my table is where it all gets done.

I have no lamp to act as a secondary light source so I actually use the light reflected off a building outside my room window.

Surprisingly enough, it works although I’m limited to shoots during the afternoon and when it doesn’t rain otherwise the light from my ceiling light becomes too harsh. =P

The ziplock bags provided along with the figmas are quite handy in managing the exchangable parts although recently I’m starting to get swamped. Now exploring alternative methods of storage.


A slight look to the right reveals where all the parts are placed while the shoot goes on.

I chose this table because of the large workspace it provides. IKEA has some nice stuff indeed.

Also, readers might also recognize that the above 2 pictures were taken during the Valentine’s Day Special photoshoot. You can see the red presents I used/made for the shoot on the left.


Figurine shoots are tiring for the girls as well.

Here you can see Konata and Kagami taking a short break.


Props are quite an important part of stories but are often not easy to find.

I’m constantly looking for figma compatible parts/props.

Would love it if anyone can introduce a place that sells 1/11  scale items.


And then there’s of course the story.

If you squint hard enough, readers might recognize the above as the storyboards for my Chinese New Year Figurine Special and Lucky Star Wars comic.

I usually keep a stack of unwanted/recycled paper (like when I print the wrong things) on my table. It’s good for jotting down reminders, notes and ideas. And also as a cutting board too.


Work doesn’t finish when shooting is done. There’s still the photoshop work.

I don’t really read manga, but after doing so many  comics  thus far, I can partially appreciate the work that goes behind storyboarding, paneling and layout alone.

It should be pretty obvious by now that I was working on the Valentine’s Day Special.

Depending on the complexity, a comic can take me a few hours (simple 4koma like Figurine Life!) to a whole day (like my SOS Brigade comic at the end of my Nendo Playset post).


And the above is what my desk looks like now during shoots. Still looks messy as hell though.

This was taken during my Kagami Summer Uniform Ver. review.

I can’t remember when I started using backdrops but it certainly makes shots look nicer. :3

Many thanks to Zh3us for showing me a better way to transport figmas. :3

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.