Lucky Star Hina Doll Set – Four Months too late



Those who were following my Japan trip posts would know that I brought some Lucky Star goods home. ^^

So I finally got the time to open it up and check it out.

And it’s 4 months too late because Hinamatsuri is on the 3rd of March ^^;;

First up is the Lucky Star Hina Doll set which cost me a hefty amount.

It was something I came across unexpectedly and thought “Hey, why not?”

Not to mention it is cheaper than buying from Hobby search (BEFORE shipping).

Btw, those interested in the Hinamatsuri should check out the wiki page.

So lets start with the 3 court ladies which happen to be Yutaka, Miyuki and Tsukasa.


They are about 45 mm in height, just shorter than the Lucky Star Puchi Nendos.

As typical of sets like this, they come in 2 versions. In this case, one version holds the platforms they are sitting on and the other version comes with it the accessories which you’ll see later.

So here’s the other version for the court ladies.


There are only one set of platforms though so you can only place one set of the girls at any one time.

Next we have the Emperor and the Empress which are represented by none other than Konata and Kagami.

Without back boards

They of course come with another version as well.

With back boards

The platforms can be interlinked with the clips provided to make sure they stay in place.


So lets take a look at the 2nd tier, the court ladies Yutaka, Miyuki and Tsukasa with their accessories.


Balsamic Vinegar

Nyamo ^^

Version 2

And once again Konata and Kagami as the Emperor and Empress with their accessories.


Version 2

Raki Bina = Lucky Hina Dolls?

And here’s a look at how the platforms look like when they are merged together.


And finally, on to a pic of everything together.



It seems the Hiiragi sisters like their new doll set XD


As for the other item, Lucky Star Pocket Travellers holds the honor of being the very first Japanese manga I have ever bought (I have english translated manga though not many. I prefer anime.)

It is a very nice read and certainly something I would recommend with it being a stand alone short story of one book. Sadly, onemanga only has scanlations up to chapter 2 out of 7 (I actually have onemanga to thank for bringing this book to my notice).

Well here are a few snapshots of the manga ^^

Kagami raep!!! O_O (By Konata and Patty actually XD)

So Kagami was wearing white and light blue shimpan……

What’s next?

Hold on to you pants people, Cosfest in TWO DAYS!!!

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