Photoshop and Photos – Fate Testarossa

Following various comments and suggestions I got from others in on my Nanoha sfx piece as well as a little resource searching on the omnipotent internets, I give you Fate Testarossa – Photon Lancer Phalanx Shift.

This time, I added casting circles to Assault Bardiche as well as gave the gem a little light shine. I feel this is a significant improvement over Nanoha which had no casting circles nor gem shine not to mention the picture was a little wonky. This one certainly turned out better than I expected.

Oh and Figma Miyuki is finally here. 4koma and Figurine review anyone? XD

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.